2013-09-11 16:50:50 来源:印度纺织 评论:0 点击:
R N Narkhedkar, Vishnu Dhorugade and Mehendra J Sonavane reveal the preparation of skill matrix and its efficient use in the garment industry for allocation of operators to give maximum productivity resulting in maximum gross profit.
Operator's Skill Inventory is the database which maintains the record of each operator, who can do what type of operation and at what rating. It is very important to keep this database updated as over the time, operator acquire skills for most of the new operations as well as improve performance in existing operations.
Objects of Skill Inventory:
- It keeps record of all operators with their efficiency of different operations carried out by taking the number of trials.
- With the use of skill matrix an engineer's or line supervisors needs very list time to find out and select most efficient operator for a particular operation from the pull of operation.
- It helps the line supervisor for balancing the line with particular skilled operators according to the work content.

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